Environmental Services

PCI’s environmental planners and scientists are committed to avoid, minimize, and mitigate environmental impacts for every project. They collaborate with project developers and regulatory agencies to identify environmental constraints early in the project development process to ensure timely compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.
Environmental Planning and Permitting
NEPA (EIS, EA, CE, and Reeval) Documentation and Compliance
Section 4(f)/6(f) and Chapter 26 Analyses
Community Impacts, Socioeconomic, and Environmental Justice Analyses
Hazmat Initial Site Assessments and Phase I/II ESAs
CWA Section 404 Determinations, Delineations, and Permitting
Geologic Assessments, WPAPs, and CZPs
Initial Karst Feature Surveys
Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessments
Farmland Protection Policy Act Analyses
Ecological Inventories
Environmental Constraints Mapping and Reports
Environmental Feasibility Studies
Alternatives Analyses and Resource Matrices
Agency Coordination
Public Involvement and Engagement
Noise Analyses and Noise Workshops
Indirect and Cumulative Impacts Analyses
GIS Mapping/Modeling
Transportation Conformity Reports, Congestion Management Process Analyses, and MSAT Analyses
Antiquities Code of Texas and National Historic Preservation Act Compliance
Cultural Resources Constraints Mapping and Risk Assessments
Archeological Background Research, Permitting, Survey, Testing, and Mitigation