Civil Engineering Services

Civil Engineering
Our civil engineering solutions are always cost-effective and unique. PCI’s civil engineering team provides efficient, cost-effective planning and innovative engineering services for transportation and site development projects. Our engineers' experience includes providing transportation feasibility studies, alternatives analysis and schematic design to detailed final construction design plans for projects involving widening, reconstruction, new location, and rehabilitation for freeways, highways, urban and rural roadways, transit systems and bicycle/pedestrian facilities.
Schematic Design
Feasibility Studies
Corridor Alignment and Development Studies
Local and Regional Thoroughfare Planning
Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning and Design
Railroad Crossing and Quiet Zone Planning
Regulatory Compliance and Permitting
Drainage Studies
Storm Sewer System Design
Drainage (Stormwater Engineering) Area Assessments and Studies
FEMA Floodplain Studies
FEMA Letters of Map Change
Culvert Design
Scour Analysis
Water Quality Controls Planning and Design
Water Pollution Abatement Plans (WPAP)
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SW3P)
Transportation Design
Controlled Access Freeway
Multi-Level Interchange
Urban and Rural Highways
County Road Design
City Street Design
Pedestrian and Bike Facilities
PS&E (Plans, Specifications, and Estimates)
3D Modeling
Traffic Control Plans
Signing and Pavement Markings
Intersection Analysis and Design
Grading Plans
Utility Engineering, Analysis, Design, Coordination, and Relocation
Bridge Layouts
Retaining Wall Layouts
Local Government Project Procedures (LGPP)
Water Distribution Design
Sanitary Sewer Collection (Wastewater) Design
Plan and Development Reviews
Street and Lot Layouts
Parking Planning, Analysis and Design
Platting Services
Dimension Control Plans
Storm Water Management Plans
Construction Cost Estimating
Bid Package and Specification
Construction Administration Services
Certified from 2002-2027
PCI currently maintains multiple professionals who are Local Government Project Procedures (LGPP) Certified through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). TxDOT trains and qualifies local government individuals to work on projects performed through an Advanced Funding Agreement. Click Here to Learn More
PCI’s Project (Pictured to the Right):
The City of Boerne’s Hike and Bike Trail System Expansion project was an integral part of the Boerne Trail System Master Plan to provide key linkages between existing trails and sidewalks. The project was selected for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) which are Federal Highway Administration funds administered by TxDOT, and as such, must follow the Local Government Project Development Process. As LGPP Certified Engineers, PCI helped the city navigate this process … Click Here to Learn More